
Month Traditional Birthstone Modern Birthstone Mystical Birthstone Ayurvedic Birthstone Alternatives
January garnet garnet emerald garnet rose quartz
February amethyst, hyacinth, pearl amethyst bloodstone amethyst onyx, moonstone
March bloodstone, jasper aquamarine jade bloodstone rock crystal
April diamond, sapphire diamond opal diamond quartz, white sapphire
May emerald, agate emerald sapphire agate chrysoprase, beryl
June cat's eye, turquoise, agate moonstone, pearl moonstone pearl opal
July turquoise, onyx ruby ruby ruby carnelian
August carnelian, sardonyx, moonstone, topaz peridot diamond sapphire jade
September chrysolite sapphire agate moonstone lapis lazuli, diamond
October opal, aquamarine opal, tourmaline jasper opal zircon
November topaz, pearl topaz, citrine pearl topaz diamond
December bloodstone, ruby turquoise, zircon, blue topaz onyx ruby ruby

Traditional birthstones are often combined with modern birthstones.  These stones are older society-based birthstones, often reflecting Polish tradition from the 18th century.  Since many different cultures had their own list, jewelers' lists are often inconsistent over what constitutes a traditional birthstone.

Modern Birthstones are currently the most widely used list curated by the Jewelers of America originating from 1912.  

Mystical Birthstones are of Tibetan origin and date back over a thousand years.

Ayurvedic birthstones are from ancient Indian medicine and philosophy dating back to ancient India (1500 BC).

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